Child development with the D-score: tuning instruments to unity

Iris Eekhout*, Stef van Buuren

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


The chapter familiarises the reader with an intuitive yet powerful methodology to tune instruments to a common unit, presenting a fresh approach that expresses measurements made by different instruments on the D-score scale. As a result, the reader may compare D-scores between ages, children or cohorts. It shows how to exploit common developmental milestones to bridge instruments and cohorts; presents an analysis to obtain D-scores from 16 cohorts and 14 instruments; compares D-score age-distribution across populations from four continents; suggests an indicator for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; and defines developmentally-on-track.
Original languageEnglish
Article number86
Pages (from-to)1-45
JournalGates Open Research
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • global child development
  • equating
  • individual data meta analysis
  • linking


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