Characterizing stress processes by linking big five personality states, traits, and day-to-day stressors

Whitney R. Ringwald*, Sienna R. Nielsen, Janan Mostajabi, Colin E. Vize, Tessa van den Berg, Stephen B. Manuck, Anna L. Marsland, Aidan G.C. Wright

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The accumulation of day-to-day stressors can impact mental and physical health. How people respond to stressful events is a key mechanism responsible for the effects of stress, and individual differences in stress responses can either perpetuate or prevent negative consequences. Most research on daily stress processes has focused on affective responses to stressors, but stress responses can involve more than just affect (e.g., behavior, cognitions). Additionally, most research has studied the role of neuroticism in shaping those responses, but many other individual differences are associated with stress. In this study, we more broadly characterized daily stress processes by expanding the nomological networks of stress responses to include Big Five personality states. We also linked those stress responses to all Big Five traits, as well as individual differences in stress variety, severity, and controllability. We studied a sample of participants (N = 1,090) who reported on stressful events, their appraisal of events in terms of severity and controllability, and their Big Five personality states daily for 8–10 days (N = 8,870 observations). Multi-level structural equation models were used to separate how characteristics of the perceived stressful situation and characteristics of the person play into daily stress processes. Results showed that (1) all Big Five personality states shift in response to perceived stress, (2) all Big Five personality traits relate to average levels of perceived stress variety, severity, and controllability, (3) individual differences in personality and average perceived stress variety and perceived severity relate to the strength of personality state responses to daily stress, albeit in a more limited fashion. Our results point to new pathways by which stressors affect people in everyday life and begin to clarify processes that may explain individual differences in risk or resilience to the harmful effects of stress.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104487
Pages (from-to)1-12
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Research in Personality
Early online date15 Mar 2024
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024


  • Big Five personality states
  • Ecological momentary assessment
  • Health
  • Multi-level modeling
  • Personality processes
  • Personality traits
  • Stress


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