Characterization of reactive flow-induced evolution of carbonate rocks using digital core analysis: part 2: Calculation of the evolution of percolation and transport properties

J. Qajar, C.H. Arns

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Percolation of reactive fluids in carbonate rocks affects the rock microstructure and hence changes the rock macroscopic properties. In Part 1 paper, we examined the voxel-wise evolution of microstructure of the rock in terms of mineral dissolution/detachment, mineral deposition, and unchanged regions. In the present work, we investigate the relationships between changes in two characteristic transport properties, i.e. permeability and electrical conductivity and two critical parameters of the pore phase, i.e. the fraction of the pore space connecting the inlet and outlet faces of the core sample and the critical pore-throat diameter. We calculate the aforementioned properties on the images of the sample, wherein a homogeneous modification of pore structure occurred in order to ensure the representativeness of the calculated transport properties at the core scale. From images, the evolution of pore connectivity and the potential role of micropores on the connectivity are quantified. It is found that the changing permeability and electrical conductivity distributions along the core length are generally in good agreement with the longitudinal evolution of macro-connected macroporosity and the critical pore-throat diameter. We incorporate microporosity into critical length and permeability calculations and show how microporosity locally plays a role in permeability. It is shown that the Katz-Thompson model reasonably predicts the post-alteration permeability in terms of pre-alteration simulated parameters. This suggests that the evolution of permeability and electrical conductivity of the studied complex carbonate core are controlled by the changes in the macro-connected macroporosity as well as the smallest pore-throats between the connected macropores.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11-27
JournalJournal of Contaminant Hydrology
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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