Challenging ideals of connected learning: the networked configurations for learning of migrant youth in the Netherlands

Mariette de Haan*, Kevin Leander, Asli Ünlüsoy, Fleur Prinsen

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


New infrastructures that dramatically change our possibilities for knowledge production and learning have also brought forward ideals on ‘new’ connectivity. Two important ideals of connectivity are that of the individual who tailors his or her knowledge among expansively dispersed resources, and the ideal of access to multiple, diverse resources that provide individuals rich learning opportunities. In order to better understand what cultural norms are implied in our ideals of connectivity, we argue, they must be tested in the crucible of empirical data through the analysis of the actual socio-technical practices of different social and cultural groups. Through a combination of ego-network analysis and a qualitative, in-depth discursive approach, we analyze the networked learning practices of three ethnically different groups in the Netherlands from an extensive research study called ‘Wired Up'. We comparatively describe Dutch youth as ‘unrooted' learners, Moroccan-Dutch youth as ‘routed' learners, and Turkish-Dutch youth as ‘rooted' learners. We propose the idea of the Networked Configuration for Learning as a means to contrast the learning opportunities individuals and groups have in relation to particular offline and online connections, their historical geographies, the development of learning ‘places’, and particular learning affinities.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)507-535
Number of pages29
JournalLearning, Media and Technology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014


  • connected learning
  • diversity
  • immigrants
  • network analysis
  • networked configuration for learning


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