title = "{\textquoteleft}Ces fleurons lointains {\`a} notre splendide diad{\`e}me artistique{\textquoteright}. The Historiography of the Influence of Netherlandish Architecture in Europe",
keywords = "Specialized histories (international relations, law), Literary theory, analysis and criticism, Culturele activiteiten, Overig maatschappelijk onderzoek",
author = "{van de Vijver}, D.R.E. and {De Jonge}, K",
year = "2013",
language = "Undefined/Unknown",
pages = "31--49",
editor = "K. Ottenheym and {de Jonge}, K.",
booktitle = "The Low Countries at the Crossroads. Netherlandish Architecture asan Export Product in Early Modern Europe (1480-1680)",