Building post-Newtonian neutron stars

Nils Andersson*, Fabian Gittins, Shanshan Yin, Rodrigo Panosso Macedo

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Owed to their compactness, neutron stars involve strong gravity and extreme density physics. Nevertheless, at present, there are a variety of problems where progress (at least conceptually) can be made in the context of weak gravity. Motivated by this we examine how accurately one can model neutron stars using the post-Newtonian (pN) approximation to general relativity. In general, we find there is a significant degree of freedom in how the pN equations of stellar structure can be formulated. We discuss this flexibility in the formulation and provide examples to demonstrate the impact on stellar models. We also consider the (closely related) problem of building neutron stars using isotropic coordinates. In this context, we provide a new strategy for solving the equations (based on a scaling argument) which significantly simplifies the problem.
Original languageEnglish
JournalClassical and Quantum Gravity
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 19 Jan 2023
Externally publishedYes


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