Blood transfusion in cats: ABCD guidelines for minimising risks of infectious iatrogenic complications

Maria Grazia Pennisi, Katrin Hartmann, Diane D Addie, Hans Lutz, Tim Gruffydd-Jones, Corine Boucraut-Baralon, Herman Egberink, Tadeusz Frymus, Marian C Horzinek, Margaret J Hosie, Albert Lloret, Fulvio Marsilio, Alan D Radford, Etienne Thiry, Uwe Truyen, Karin Möstl, European Advisory Board on Cat Diseases

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleProfessional


    OVERVIEW: The availability of blood components has increased the number of indications for transfusing cats, and fresh whole blood is readily accessible to clinicians because it can be taken from in-house donor cats or 'volunteer' feline blood donors. A certain amount of risk remains to the recipient cat, as immediate or delayed adverse reactions can occur during or after transfusion, related to immunemediated mechanisms. This article, however, focuses on adverse events caused by infectious agents, which may originate either from contamination of blood following incorrect collection, storage or transfusion, or from transfusion of contaminated blood obtained from an infected donor.

    PREVENTION OF BLOOD CONTAMINATION: In cats, blood cannot be collected through a closed system and, therefore, collection of donor blood requires a multi-step manipulation of syringes and other devices. It is crucial that each step of the procedure is performed under the strictest aseptic conditions and that bacterial contamination of blood bags is prevented, as bacterial endotoxins can cause an immediate febrile reaction or even fatal shock in the recipient cat.

    PREVENTION OF DISEASE TRANSMISSION: With a view to preventing transmission of blood-borne infectious diseases, the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine has adopted basic criteria for selecting pathogens to be tested for in donor pets. The worldwide core screening panel for donor cats includes feline leukaemia virus, feline immunodeficiency virus, Bartonella species and feline haemoplasma. The list should be adapted to the local epidemiological situation concerning other vector-borne feline infections. The most practical, rapid and inexpensive measure to reduce transfusion risk is to check the risk profile of donor cats on the basis of a written questionnaire. Blood transfusion can never, however, be considered entirely safe.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)588-93
    Number of pages6
    JournalJournal of Feline Medicine and Surgery
    Issue number7
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2015


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