Black Soldier Fly larvae as enrichment for layer chicks: a pilot

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic


The circumstances in which we keep animals for our food often leads to behavioural restrictions. In laying hens, the living conditions may cause the development of abnormal behaviours such as feather pecking, which affects the health and welfare of the flock. The provision of insect larvae as environmental enrichment has the potential to satisfy the behavioural needs of laying hens, and thereby prevent the development of feather pecking. However, developing enrichment that is actually perceived as such by the chickens is a challenge in itself, and involves careful consideration of the birds’ preferences for visual stimuli. The objective of this pilot study was to develop an optimal method of providing Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae as foraging enrichment to layer chicks. Using 28 ISA Brown layer chicks divided over four pens, a 2x2 preference test was performed, by providing alive (A) vs. dead (D) larvae in transparent (T) vs. non-transparent (NT) tubes. Hence, four conditions were defined: AT, ANT, DT, DNT. After a training phase, two chicks per pen were observed for one hour after the tubes were given, at day 14, 15, 20 and 22 of age. Active behaviour (scratching and pecking) directed towards the tubes was scored. Furthermore, tubes were weighed before and after providing them to the chicks, to assess the percentage of larvae consumed. Chicks showed more active behaviour towards the AT tubes compared to the other tubes (P < 0.01). Additionally, the AT and ANT tubes had a lower residual weight compared to the DT and DNT tubes (P < 0.01). Based on these results, the chicks showed a preference for alive larvae in a transparent tube. Hence, this combination will be used in the main experiment on the effect of BSF larvae provision on feather pecking in laying hens.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 3 Nov 2020
EventISAE Benelux conference 2020 (online): Elevating Animal Lives - Online
Duration: 3 Nov 20203 Nov 2020


ConferenceISAE Benelux conference 2020 (online)
Internet address


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