Basic Techniques for Numerical Linear Algebra on Bulk Synchronous Parallel Computers

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


The bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) model promises scalable and portable software for a wide range of applications. A BSP computer consists of several processors, each with private memory, and a communication network that delivers access to remote memory in uniform time. Numerical linear algebra computations can bene t from the BSP model, both in terms of simplicity and eciency. Dense LU decomposition and other computations can be made more ecient by using the new technique of two-phase randomised broadcasting, which is motivated by a cost analysis in the BSP model. For LU decomposition with partial pivoting, this technique reduces the communication time by a factor of (p p + 1)=3, where p is the number of processors. Theoretical analysis, together with benchmark values for machine parameters, can be used to predict execution time. Such predictions are veri ed by numerical experiments on a 64-processor Cray T3D. The experimental results con rm the advantage of two-phase randomised broadcasting.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings First Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Applications, Rousse, Bulgaria 1996
EditorsL. Vulkov, J. Wasniewski, P. Yalamov
Place of PublicationBerlin
Number of pages12
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-540-68326-1
Publication statusPublished - 1997

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Computer Science

Bibliographical note

First Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Applications, Rousse, Bulgaria 1996


  • Wiskunde en Informatica (WIIN)
  • Mathematics
  • Wiskunde en computerwetenschappen
  • Landbouwwetenschappen
  • Wiskunde: algemeen


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