Animal welfare in rodent control: attitudes of pest controllers and dilemmas they face

Maite van Gerwen*, Joachim Nieuwland, Hein van Lith, Franck Meijboom

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic


For different reasons (e.g. food safety, human and animal health, hygiene and safety of stables) large numbers of liminal rodents are killed all over the world because they are perceived as pests. If labelled as a pest, moral status of animals and animal welfare seem to be unimportant and are seldom subject of public and scientific debate. This seems inconsistent, if we consider that these rodents have similar capabilities to suffer compared to their domestic siblings we see as companion and laboratory animals. In a previous study (2018), we found that stakeholders associated with pest management feel the need to improve the treatment of rodents perceived as pests. Both moral status and welfare of these animals deserve more attention and should be included in pest management. In order to get more grip on the attitudes of Dutch pest controllers an online survey (N=129) was carried out in the first half of 2019. The survey contained questions about the importance of animal welfare, the impact of killing methods on welfare, job identity, experience of (moral) dilemmas in practice and how to address these. Results of the survey will be used for further discussion in focus groups with pest controllers. The outcomes of the survey and focus groups will be presented during ICUP 2022 and form the basis for the development of an assessment frame for sustainable pest management.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 27 Jun 2022
Event10th International Conference on Urban Pests - Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 27 Jun 202229 Jun 2022


Conference10th International Conference on Urban Pests
Abbreviated titleICUP 2022


  • Rodent control
  • animal welfare
  • ethics
  • moral dilemmas


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