An unusual case of intervertebral disc extrusion in a dog

Koen Santifort*, Jeanette Pijnenburg, Martijn Beukers, Wilhelmina Bergmann, Niklas Bergknut

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    A 6-year-old castrated male Dachshund-cross was presented with signs compatible with a thoracolumbar myelopathy. MRI findings were considered most consistent with neoplasia as a large, oval-shaped, well-defined extradural mass with atypical intensity presentation was found in the spinal canal with extension into the intervertebral foramen. Owners elected euthanasia and post-mortem histopathological examination resulted in a final diagnosis of compressive myelopathy due to extrusion of degenerated nucleus pulposus with haemorrhage and secondary encapsulation of the compressive material by fibroblasts. This case illustrates the variable appearance of intervertebral disc extrusion on MRI.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article numbere97
    Pages (from-to)1-5
    Number of pages5
    JournalVeterinary Record Case Reports
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021


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