An Extended Paleozoic Apparent Polar Wander Path for Baltica: new Permo-Carboniferous Paleopoles From the Donbas Region (Ukraine)

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic


An improved Paleozoic apparent polar wander (APW) path for Baltica is presented here on the basis of six new paleopoles that have been determined from samples collected in the Donbas region in the Dniepr-Donets basin in south-eastern Ukraine. Constructing APW paths allows improving paleogeographic reconstructions that reach further back in time than 200 Ma, where the use of oceanic isochrons and hotspot track has limited applicability. The absence of penetrative regional deformation and the subparallel trending bedding attitudes across the basin suggest that our sites did not suffer from local rotations and their results are interpreted as representative for Baltica. The data presented here improve the paleogeographic reconstruction of Baltica within the collage of the supercontinent Pangea. The six new paleopoles cover a time span from earliest Carboniferous (~356 Ma) to early Permian (~295 Ma). In our reconstruction, Baltica was located at a constant latitude of ~5°N during a major part of the Carboniferous, while at ~310 Ma it started to move gradually northward, reaching a paleolatitude of ~13°N at 295 Ma. From ~355 Ma to 295 Ma Baltica experienced a net ~20° clockwise rotation. Our new data differ with the APW path from Torsvik et al. (submitted) in the time span from ~320-300 Ma, wherein they propose a northward movement from more southerly latitudes. From 300 Ma onwards, our path fits the reference path from Torsvik et al. A possible Permian remagnetization of our sites is not likely, considering the rotational differences in the various time spans, and rockmagnetic analyses that have been performed. We also discuss the usage of the TK03 model (Tauxe and Kent (2004), Geoph. Mon. 145, pp 101-116) that allows for the correction of inclination error caused by compaction during burial, which is insignificant for most sites. This suggest that the NRM has been acquired after compaction.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2007


  • 1525 Paleomagnetism applied to tectonics: regional
  • global
  • 8157 Plate motions: past (3040)
  • 9335 Europe
  • 9614 Paleozoic


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