An analysis of health promotion materials for Dutch truck drivers: Off target and too complex?

A. Boeijinga, J.A.L. Hoeken, J. Sanders

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


BACKGROUND: Despite various health promotion initiatives, unfavorable figures regarding Dutch truck drivers’ eating
behaviors, exercise behaviors, and absenteeism have not improved.
OBJECTIVE: The aim was to obtain a better understanding of the low level of effectiveness of current health interventions
for Dutch truck drivers by examining to what extent these are tailored to the target group’s particular mindset (focus of
content) and health literacy skills (presentation of content).
METHODS: The article analyzes 21 health promotion materials for Dutch truck drivers using a two-step approach: (a) an
analysis of the materials’ focus, guided by the Health Action Process Approach; and (b) an argumentation analysis, guided
by pragma-dialectics.
RESULTS: The corpus analysis revealed: (a) a predominant focus on the motivation phase; and (b) in line with the aim of
motivating the target group, a consistent use of pragmatic arguments, which were typically presented in an implicit way.
CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that existing health promotion materials for Dutch truck drivers are not sufficiently
tailored to the target group’s mindset and health literacy skills. Recommendations are offered to develop more tailored/effective
health interventions targeting this high-risk, underserved occupational group.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)539-549
Number of pages11
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • corpus analysis
  • Workplace health promotion
  • tailoring
  • health literacy
  • argumentation


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