Advancements in coupled processes numerical models: Upscaling aperture fields using spatial continuity

Gonçalo Benitez Cunha*, Christopher Ian McDermott, Alexander Bond, Andrew Fraser-Harris, Roberto Emanuele Rizzo

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Fluid flow through fractured geological media is crucial in addressing the challenges posed by climate change, resource management, and energy exploration. Numerical models commonly employ fracture surface representations and aperture distribution models to simulate these processes. However, conventional statistical approaches often overlook the inherent spatial continuity and directionality within fracture data, impacting the accuracy of aperture geometry and subsequent flow simulations. This study investigates the benefits of incorporating spatial continuity information, derived from semi-variogram analysis, into numerical models. A Freiberg gneiss fracture aperture field was upscaled using both spatial continuity-informed and traditional arithmetic averaging methods. The comparative analysis reveals that incorporating spatial continuity during the upscaling process yields notable improvements in the accuracy of flow simulations, particularly when employing coarser mesh resolutions. This approach presents a promising alternative for enhancing the representation of fracture and aperture fields in numerical modeling across diverse applications, promoting a deeper understanding of fluid flow behavior in complex geological systems.

Original languageEnglish
Article number111094
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 2024


  • Earth sciences
  • Geology
  • Methods in earth sciences
  • Petrophysics


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