Admissible Rules for Six Intuitionistic Modal Logics

Iris van der Giessen

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This paper characterizes the admissible rules for six interesting intuitionistic modal logics: iCK4, iCS4 ≡ IPC, strong Löb logic iSL, modalized Heyting calculus mHC, Kuznetsov-Muravitsky logic KM, and propositional lax logic PLL. Admissible rules are rules that can be added to a logic without changing the set of theorems of the logic. We provide a Gentzen-style proof theory for admissibility that combines methods known for intuitionistic propositional logic and classical modal logic. From this proof theory, we extract bases for the admissible rules, i.e., sets of admissible rules that derive all other admissible rules. In addition, we show that admissibility
is decidable for these logics.
Original languageEnglish
Article number103233
JournalAnnals of Pure and Applied Logic
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2023


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