A theory of co-teaching

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterProfessional


Interaction is a core element of teaching and learning. Teachers interact with students. Students interact with each other, for example, when working on a group assignment. Co-teaching is an example of interaction between teachers. The literature on interpersonal relationships in education (e.g., Wubbels, Den Brok, Levy, & Van Tartwijk, 2012) focuses on such interactions. Through interaction, actors become interdependent. It depends on both the behaviour of teachers and students how much and what students learn and how satisfactory such learning is for teachers and students. The quality of the final product of students’ work on a group assignment depends on each student’s contribution. Similarly, the results of co-teaching depend on each teacher’s ‘input’ of time, effort, and expertise...
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTheorie en praktijk van leren en de leraar : Liber Amicorum Theo Wubbels
EditorsJ.W.F. van Tartwijk, M. Brekelmans, P.J. den Brok, M.T. Mainhard
Place of PublicationAmsterdam
Number of pages230
ISBN (Print)978 90 8850 501 0
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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