A survey of foot disinfection practices for control of bovine digital dermatitis; evaluating solution depth, footbath hygiene, and the potential of footbaths as infection reservoirs for Treponema species

Amy Gillespie*, Arne Vanhoudt, Lindert Benedictus, Conor G McAloon, Finnian Logan, Mirlin Spaninks, Lorenzo Viora

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Bovine digital dermatitis remains a widespread endemic disease of dairy cattle worldwide. Footbathing is commonly used as a control measure and has significant economic and environmental impacts. Few studies document footbathing practices on dairy farms or evaluate their suitability for achieving foot disinfection. This study describes footbathing practices on 32 farms observed in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Netherlands. We measured solution depth throughout footbathing and observed levels below 7 cm on 9 out of 32 farms, which leads to inadequate foot coverage. Solution depth was associated with the number of cow passages and decreased by 1.2 cm for every 100 cow passages. We also describe levels of OM content (g/L) throughout footbathing as a proxy for footbath hygiene. Our data indicates that almost half of footbaths (15/32) became contaminated above the 20 g/L threshold to which veterinary biocides are tested for efficacy, and that OM content is associated with the number of cow passages per liter of footbathing solution provided. A multivariable mixed model predicted that 1 L of footbathing solution per cow should be sufficient to prevent excess contamination. As a further measure of hygiene, we tested a subset of footbath samples to quantify the amount of DNA present from the Treponema species which are considered instrumental in the etiology of digital dermatitis. We did not detect Treponema DNA in footbath samples, which suggested they are unlikely to act as infection reservoirs for this disease. Multivariable mixed models including farm identity as a random effect demonstrated that for both change in solution depth and OM content the effect of farm-level factors was large. Because of the magnitude of this farm effect, applying model predictions will not translate to adequate solution depth and hygiene on all farms. Our data highlights the importance of footbath auditing on individual farms.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7256-7266
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Dairy Science
Issue number9
Early online date30 May 2024
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024


  • biocide
  • dairy cow
  • digital dermatitis
  • quantitative polymerase chain reaction
  • questionnaire


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