A Novel Methodology for the Sustainability Impact Assessment of New Technologies

K. Blok, M. Huijbregts, Lex Roes, Berthe van Haaster, M.K. Patel, E. Hertwich, M. Hauschild, P. Sellke, P. Antunes, S. Hellweg, A. Ciroth, Mirjam Harmelink

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


The introduction of new technologies can have profound impact on society and nature. Therefore, a need exists for a method that can provide a balanced assessment of new tech-nologies that takes into account all different impacts. Within the EU-funded PROSUITE pro-ject, the aim is to develop a methodology for the sustainability assessment of existing and emerging technologies. Here, existing approaches of sustainability assessment are re-viewed. All of them have their merits, but none of them is applicable in a generic way to all aspects of sustainability for a technology. Using concepts developed initially for environ-mental life cycle assessment, we propose an approach consisting of the following major impact categories: 1) impact on human health; 2) impact on social well-being; 3) impact on prosperity; 4) impact on natural environment; 5) impact on exhaustible resources. All pri-mary impacts can be grouped under these categories. For several of these categories still quite some analysis of mechanisms in the cause-effect chain is necessary and there will be substantial remaining uncertainties for the others. For a complete assessment, the five major impact categories need to be integrated. Several approaches are available for this purpose, such as multicriteria analysis with or without weighted aggregation.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUtrecht, the Netherlands
PublisherEC 7th framework project PROSUITE
Number of pages23
Publication statusPublished - May 2013


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