A moment of persuasion: Travelling preachers and Islamic pedagogy in the Netherlands

D.T. Beekers

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


In this article, I examine the discursive as well as embodied and sensorial forms of persuasion that undergird the formation of religious authority, Islamic authority in the Netherlands more specifically. I argue that particular momentary occasions can play important roles in facilitating the mobilisation of these discursive and non-discursive forms of persuasion. Based on a close reading of an event I participated in during my fieldwork among young Muslims in the Netherlands, the analysis focuses on such a key moment of persuasion, paradoxically characterised by a preacher's apparently failed attempt at conversion. Despite this failure, this preacher can be seen to have succeeded in offering his young Muslim audience a model of how to be a Muslim and of how to represent Islam to non-Muslims. Apart from contributing to anthropological debates on Islamic authority in Europe and religious persuasion more generally, I discuss an important new type of Islamic leaders – referred to here as ‘travelling preachers’ – and the new kinds of youth-centred settings of religious learning in which they operate.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)193-214
JournalCulture and Religion
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Islam
  • Authority
  • Event
  • Aesthetics
  • Europe
  • The Netherlands


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