A generic computational model of mood regulation and its use to model therapeutical interventions

F. Both, Mark Hoogendoorn, M.C.A. Klein, J. Treur

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    As all living organisms, human beings aim at being in some kind of balance (or homeostasis) with their environment. Part of this challenge takes the form of keeping their mood within certain boundaries, and in particular avoiding (too) negative moods when facing negative events from time to time. In this paper a generic computational model for this regulative process is presented. The model serves as a framework or architecture in which various additional elements can be incorporated. To evaluate the suitability of this framework, the model has been extended by incorporating therapeutical interventions for four different types of therapy. The obtained intervention models have been used to model and compare different therapies for a variety of patient types by simulation experiments and by formal verification. Simulation experiments are reported showing that the mood regulation and depression indeed follow expected patterns when applying these therapies. These models form building block for intelligent therapy support systems.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)17-34
    JournalBiologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • Computational model
    • Mood
    • Depression
    • Analysis
    • Therapy
    • Intervention


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