A Finer grained Typology of Perfective Operators

Fabienne Martin, Zsófia Gyarmathy

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


We argue that completion and maximality (defined through the notion of self-connectedness) both need to be taken into account as potential parameters in analyses of perfectives. Stative predicates in the French passé composé and passé simple require self-connected maximality and completion , while event (including activity) predicates require event completion only. Event-semantic analyses commonly assume that a (non-quantified) sentence expresses existential quantification over events, typically realized by existential closure in the derivation (e.g., Kratzer 1996), often assumed to be introduced by tense or aspect, especially in neo-Reichenbachian accounts and formalizations of Klein 1994. A typical neo-Reichenbachian definition of the perfective operator (PFV) is as follows (Bohnemeyer 2014), where P is a variable for an eventuality predicate, t T a variable for the topic time, and g the variable assignment function parameter with respect to a model M: (1) [[PFV]] M,g = λP∃e[τ(e) ⊆ t T ∧ P(e)] The imperfective operator (IMPF) is assumed to express the inverse
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEmpirical issues in syntax and semantics 12
Number of pages30
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Publication series

NameEmpirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics


  • French ·
  • Hindi ·
  • Mandarin


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